Darjeeling Road Named After Mother Teresa

A road in Darjeeling has been named after St. Teresa of Calcutta who was canonized at the Vatican on September 4. The renamed road — earlier known as Rockville Road — runs past a Missionaries of Charity home that was set up by Mother Teresa many years ago.

The hill town had a special place in Mother Teresa’s life. It was on a journey from Kolkata to Loreto Convent there in September 1946 that she got her call to set up the Missionaries of Charity and serve the poorest of the poor.
On Saturday, Bishop Stephen Lepcha of Darjeeling led a small road naming ceremony where several sisters of the Missionaries of Charity were present.
Father Peter Lingdam, of the Lay Missionaries of Charity’s Darjeeling Branch Director said, “Today’s ride in toy train is symbolic. Maybe some of us will also be enlightened like her.”
The Cathedral of Immaculate Conception at Loreto Convent in Darjeeling also houses an oratory (a place of worship) in her name.
Saint Teresa was a Loreto nun who used to pray there and had even taken her vows as a nun in this Cathedral. Saint Teresa’s relics are kept in this oratory.

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